What is Social Media Marketing? Why Social Media Marketing is important for businesses?

Best Social Media Marketing Company: It utilizes social media networking sites as a marketing tool. The goal is that customers share the content on their social media that gives the brand the proper exposure and broadens the reach of the company. It means the promotion of goods and services through digital media.

It includes optimization of the website so that it ranks in the first three results of Google. The main aim of SMM is to have communication with users, increase brand visibility and reach more consumers.SMM is a kind of creating quality content that the users of social networks share with their friends (i.e.Electronic Word of Mouth, or eWoM).

The main pointer of SMM is to get direct feedback from users that the company gets a personal stamp i.e. it gets more human-like. With the means of interactive options on social networks, the customers can be heard, by asking questions or by making complaints. Like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are trending nowadays- utilizing them and using them for company’s purpose is SMM.

Why it is important for businesses?

How it’s important for the business is also dependent on what the goals of the business are. How can social media help you with achieving your business goals? Businesses use social media for enhancing their brand awareness and many use it for driving website traffic and sales. Social media can also generate engagement about your brand, create a community, and also act as a customer support channel for the company’s customers.

  • Cost-effective: You just have to sign-up and create a profile. It is one of the most cost-effective platforms. Just by the minimum amount of time and money you can eventually increase your conversion rates and get a return on investment on the money you invested.
  • Brand awareness: By investing only 6 hours per week, over 91% of marketers claimed that it greatly increased their brand exposure. Get employees, partners, and sponsors to “like” and “share” your brand page.
  • More traffic: By marketing on social media you open your business to a variety of versatile consumers all over the world. Social media is a melting pot of people with different behaviors and different thinking. They search and use the keywords differently. If you don’t harness the power of social media, your customer base will remain the usual one.
  • Improved search engine rankings: To rank in the top positions for your keywords will get you more traffic and will continue to have positive results for your company.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: A brand begets customer satisfaction because it takes time to compose personal messages even if responding to a customer’s complaint. It creates a voice for the company.

Best Social Media Marketing Strategies

One can build marketing personas and identify their target audiences. The approach is to use the 5Ws and 1H. And then decide what kind of content you are going to share ex: entertainment like memes. Finally, one could have a planned editorial calendar and it can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

  • Who are the customers? (E.g. age, gender, salary, location, etc.)
  • What is the kind of content they are interested in? (E.g. entertainment, educational content, information on new products, etc.)
  • Where do they hang out online? (E.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  • When do they look for the content you can provide? (E.g. weekends, through their daily commute.)
  • Why do they use the content? (to become healthy, to stay up to date with something like current affairs, etc.)
  • How do customers consume the content like with which type? (Read social media posts, articles, blogs, watch videos, etc.)

Benefits of hiring an SMM Company

There are many benefits of hiring a social media marketing company like being cost-efficient and getting more leads through more traffic. Rest is given as follows:

  • Helps in increasing your brand exposure: You definitely want to build the numbers to send the brand’s message into the social sphere.
  • Increasing traffic: Regular social media posts are created to redirect people to the company’s website is a sure-shot traffic driver.
  • Establishing brand recognition: You are not lost in the sea of faces that are there in the online marketplace.
  • Generating leads: This is one of the difficult aspects of promotion for any marketer. Here, with the help of SMM – you can get potential leads that have prospects of converting.
  • Develop better insights for the marketplace: Watching the purchasing habits of the audience is one thing, though seeing the competition can be as effective in helping develop your brand strategies.
  • Brand engagement: You can get a loyal customer base plus you can boost various relationships and partnerships through brand engagement.

Best Social Media Marketing Company

We know how to divert traffic to your website and how to best harness the power of social media as well. We offer the best and professional social media services to our clientele.

  • Experienced personnel: Years and years of experience have made them good in their field or in whatever they are doing. A team of market researchers, content writers, developers, coders, and designers are always up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.
  •  Cost-effective services: Our services are cost-effective as a social media agency. We have tried and true systems that are efficient and effective as all the processes and workflows are already laid down. We work on the principle of Time saved= money earned.
  • Brand engagement: We provide the best content possible to our clientele which engages them and takes the BitRubix story to another level. As social media marketing is the buzzword these days, we leave no stone unturned so that the customers are talking positively about us on social media.